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effects of oxiracetam

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    The key effect of oxiracetam is an improved memory. This appears to involve a better memory capacity as well as faster recall. Other effects of  oxiracetam are reportedly clearer thinking and improved focus. Anecdotal reports also include increased alertness and a generally improved mood.


    Effects of Oxiracetam on Learning and Memory in Animals: Comparison with Piracetam


    The effects of oxiracetam and piracetam were compared in learning and memory tests in rats and mice. In the dose range examined, the two nootropics were equally active in reducing the amnesia induced by cerebral electroshock in the mouse. Step-down retention performance, however, was distinctly improved by oxiracetam but unaffected by piracetam, no matter whether it was given before or immediately after the learning trial. Oxiracetam also improved acquisition performance in aged (24- to 27-month-old) rats in an active-avoidance situation at doses of 30 and 100 mg/kg i.p. whereas piracetam showed no effect at 100 mg/kg i.p.

    Side effects of  Oxiracetam


    While Oxiracetam has been found to be relatively harmless, also minor side effects can occur when using it. The most significant of these side effects are possible insomnia, and stomach aches. These side effects disappear almost immediately after an Oxiracetam user stops taking the drug for 2 days or less. It is recommended to people who experience these side effects to reduce their Oxiracetam dosage.


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