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oxiracetam reviews

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     1. What Is Oxiracetam?

    Oxiracetam is a water-soluble nootropic in the “racetam” family. Its effects are very similar to those of Piracetam and Aniracetam. Comparatively, many users report the effects of Oxiracetam to by much stronger and faster acting then both Piracetam and Aniracetam, however results differ for everyone.


    2. Medical Uses of Oxiracetam

    Oxiracetam is not as widely prescribed for treating mental problems as other ‘racetams, however there is still much research being conducted on its potential for treating Alzheimer’s Disease, dementia, and organic solvent abuse.

    Oxiracetam is sometimes recommended to help fight cognitive decline due to aging. It’s cognitive benefits work against the symptoms of aging-related cognitive decline while its neuro-protective properties improve the physical health of the brain.


    3. How Does Oxiracetam Work?

    Even though the exact mechanism of action is unknown, studies suggest that Oxiracetam affects the production of the neurotransmitters glutamate and acetylcholine.

    Acetycholine the only neurotransmitter used in the motor division of the somatic nervous system. It activates muscles in the peripheral nervous system and plays a very important role in our ability to sustain attention in the central nervous system. It also has a variety of effects as a neuromodulator upon plasticity meaning it affects our short-term memory and our ability to learn


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