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Ne-Boc-L-lysine basic information and its price in China market
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    1. Ne-Boc-L-lysine

    Ne-Boc-L-lysine is one kind of white crystalline powder, and it has other synonyms of H-Lys(Boc)-OH; N-epsilon-tert-Butoxycarbonyl-L-lysine. Ne-Boc-L-lysine (CAS no. 2418-95-3) is being stable under normal temperature and pressure. When comes to the Ne-Boc-L-lysine storage, it should be kept sealed in the cool, dry, well-ventilated place, away from oxidizing materials.

    2. Physical and Chemical Properties of Ne-Boc-L-lysine Ne-Boc-L-lysine chemical structure

    (1)Melting point: 250 °C (dec.);
    (2)alpha: 17 o (c=1% in acetic acid);
    (3)Density: 1.113 g/cm3;
    (4)Melting Point: 250 °C (dec.)(lit.);
    (5)Boiling Point: 412.9 °C at 760 mmHg;
    (6)Flash Point: 203.5 °C.

    3. Molecular structure Data of Ne-Boc-L-lysine

    The Molecular structure Data of Ne-Boc-L-lysine are as below: (1)molar refraction: 63.40; (2)molar volume (m3/mol): 221.1; (3)parachor (90.2K): 565.7; (4)surface tension (dyne/cm): 42.8; (5)polarizability (10-24cm3): 25.13.

    4. Ne-Boc-L-lysine price in China market

    As to the Ne-Boc-L-lysine price, we know that it will fluctuate along with the changing price of the raw materials and the decisions from Ne-Boc-L-lysine sources. Before you buy Ne-Boc-L-lysine, you should inquiry many Ne-Boc-L-lysine suppliers and then make a detailed comparison. There are many super Ne-Boc-L-lysine manufacturers in domestic market, and the leading one is Nanjing Aily Biotechnology which is specialized company in chemical manufacture and custom synthesis.

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